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“Jerome Ellison Murphy’s poems most often favor the couplet and the tercet, forms whose cool polish contrasts with the unease that breathes through his some of his work. In poems like 'Pins and Needles,' for example: when we get to the end, we are sent back to revise everything he has insinuated since the first line. 'Scream Room,' an unsettling prose box, is a monologue by an unnamed contractor in some war on terror. ... The way Jerome puts on other voices reminds me of Eudora Welty’s story 'Where is the Voice Coming From?' ... Jerome’s work is rich, urbane, full of memorable lines, and has an impressive range, delivered with admirable control." — David McLoghlin, The Eagle and the Wren Reading Series at BookCourt bookstore, curated by Adrienne Brock and David McLoghlin, 1/31/16